转载 2020-02-20 17:18 德马泰克 来源:德马泰克尊敬的德马泰克中国客户及合作伙伴:
Dear friends and partners of Dematic China,
The current coronavirus puts us all into a difficult situation. In order to overcome this critical situation, we from Dematic China follow two main priorities:
Priority number one is to make sure that all our people are safe, and when I talk about “our people”, I mean employees of Dematic China and their families, employees of our customers and their families and employees of our suppliers and their families. We always want to do business and we want to support the business of our partners, meaning while, minimize the risk of our people.
Our second priority is to support the business of our customers, and partners to make sure that your request is promptly responded.We already started part of the production in our Suzhou factory from last week onwards, we continue to service your sides when possible and with those Dematic China engineers that are currently available and that are not stuck in a risk zone. Those Dematic China employees who are not at customer sites, support you from home.
We from Dematic China think that the crisis can be overcome earlier when we support the health of our people. We are in this together, we are here to support your business, and we will come out of this crisis stronger than before.
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