法阿姆中国获“优秀供应链奖” FAAM China wins the"Excellent Supply Chain Award"
转载 2022-09-05 10:57 FAAM电池 来源:FAAM电池优秀供应链奖
Excellent Supply Chain Award
Congratulations to FAAM Chinafor winning the "Excellent Supply Chain Award" from China Forklift Network, China AGV Network, and Hannover Milan Better Exhibition (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.!
As summer turns to autumn, the New Opportunities of Smart Logistics, jointly organized by China Forklift, China AGV and Hannover Milanbrand Exhibition (Guangzhou) Co., LTD. "New Development, New Itinerary" as the theme of "2022 China Industrial Vehicles and Mobile Robot Intelligent Development Conference and Award Shengqu" was held at the same time of China (Guangzhou) International Logistics Equipment and Technology Exhibition.
Faam Chinawon the "Excellent Supply Chain Award" during its participation in the conference. I would like to thank all partiesfor their trust and support. Faam China will continue to strive for excellence, constantly improve itself, surpass itself, and actively promote the development of China's industrial vehicleindustry.contribute!
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