转载 2023-08-02 09:46 AGILOX IGV 来源:AGILOX IGVOCF功能升级
Dynamic Safety Field Switching
客户经常需要将多个不同的载货载体从A点快速移动到B点。自主移动机器人 (AMR) 在行进方向上使用所谓的安全区域,以确保安全运输,并防止危及附近人员。安全区域的大小通常与载货载体(LC)的大小相对应。
Customersoften need to move severaldifferentload carriers from station A to station B as quickly as possible. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)useso-called safety fields in the travel direction to ensure safe transport and to preventendangering personnel in the immediate vicinity. The size of the safety field usually corresponds to the size of the load carrier(LC).
过去,如果 AMR 需要移动不同类型的载货载体,通常会使用较大的安全区域,因为它无法区分两种不同的载货载体(LC)。这往往迫使 AMR 移动的距离比需要的距离更长,导致整个循环时间大大延长。我们的新型动态安全区域切换功能消除了这种低效现象。
In the past, if the AMR needed to movedifferent types of loadcarriers, it usually employed a larger safety field sinceit could not distinguish between two different LCs. Thisoftenforced the AMR to travel longer distances thanstrictlynecessary, resulting in significantly longer cycle times for entire swarms of AMRs.Our new Dynamic Safety Field Switching featureeliminates this inefficiency.
The size of the safety field is adjusted to the load carrier type, thus optimizing paths and significantly reducing cycle times.
AGILOX 机器可以扫描载货载体(LC),并根据 LC 的大小动态调整安全区域
The AGILOX scans the load carrier and dynamically adjusts the safety field to the size of the LC.
Our robots plan the optimal route depending on current load carrier dimensions, safety fields, and available aisle widths.
OCF 可以检测到较小的载货载体(LC),并根据LC的尺寸自动调整其安全区域
The OCF detects the smaller load carrier and automatically adjusts its safety field to the size of the load carrier.
得益于 X-SWARM群体智能技术,我们可以检测 OCF 周围的环境,并根据当前载货载体的大小自动调整路线
Thanks to X-SWARM technology, we detect the OCF environment and automatically adjust its route depending on the size of the current load carrier.
Auto Fork Adjustment
不同的载货载体通常需要设置不同的货叉间距。较小的载货载体(如欧式托盘)与较大的载货载体之间需要不同的货叉间距设置。如果由同一辆车运输这两种载体,则自主移动机器人 (AMR) 必须根据不同载体调整货叉间距。
Different load carriers often require different settings for the distance between the forks. A smaller load carrier, such as a Euro pallet, requires different fork settings than a larger specialty load carrier. If both load carriers are transported by the same vehicle, the Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) has to adjust its forks to the particular load carrier.
现在,OCF 具有自动货叉宽度调整功能,可在同一工作流程中使用不同的载货载体。您无需进行任何手动调整,让之前耗时的转换过程成为过去。
The OCF now features automatic fork widthadjustment, whichallows for different load carriersto be usedin the same workflow without having to make any manual adjustments, making time-consuming changeover timesa thing of the past.
在货叉移动之前,OCF 会利用传感器检查载货载体的尺寸
The OCF uses its sensors to check the dimensions of the load carrier before the forks move in.
It then adjusts the fork width to a previously defined specific load carrier setting.
Thisallows for moreflexibility in picking up different loads.
Active Pick-Up Monitoring
我们的自主移动机器人符合高安全标准。所有车辆均符合现行的 ISO 3691-4无人驾驶工业卡车安全标准。
Our Autonomous Mobile Robots adhere to the highest safety standards.All of ourvehicles comply with the current ISO 3691-4 safety standard for driverless industrial trucks.
我们的新型主动拾取监控系统比之前更进一步,更是提高了这些极高的安全标准。我们的 OCF 将扫描车辆和载货载体之间的整个空间,检查是否有任何障碍物,例如准备取货的人员。如果发现该区域有人,车辆将立即停止,确保您和您的员工享有更好的保护。
Our new Active Pick-Up Monitoring goes one step further, improving those very high safety standards even more. Our OCF will scan the entire space between the vehicle and the load carrier for any obstacles, such as personnel when preparing to pick up the load. If anyone is detected in this area, the vehicle will stop immediately, ensuring you and your staff enjoy even better protection.
The horizontal safety laser scanner runs a one-time check to determine if an object is under the load.
If no objects are detected, the Active Pick-Up Monitoring feature is activated to monitor the spacebetween the AMR and the load carrier (LC) for any personnel.
Upon entering the station,Active Pick-Up Monitoring remains active to provide the highest level of protection.
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