法阿姆与IDI 2023~FAAM and IDI 2023~
转载 2023-11-30 09:17 FAAM电池 来源:FAAM电池11月24-26日,第八届意大利品牌设计展(IDI)在上海顶级秀场静安800秀举办。作为意大利品牌设计展的老朋友,法阿姆中国也受邀参加。
From November 24th to 26th, the 8thItalian Design Icons(IDI)was held at stylish800 Showvenue in Jing'an district, the heart of Shanghai. As an old friend of the Italian brand design exhibition,FAAMChinaalso was invited.
With the support of the Italian Ministry of Culture, this year's IDI Shanghaifocuseson"The Quality That Lights Up: The Energy of Design Integrating People And Environment",showcasinga dazzling array of globally renowned Italian brands, casting a spotlight on their innovative products, and demonstrating the excellence ofItalian designin China.
Over the course of three days,IDI Shanghaiopens its doors to the public,placinga spotlight on how Italian quality and design aim to illuminate a path toward sustainable and responsible development.With a diverseschedulecomprising lectures, workshops, panel discussions, and B2B networking, the event offers an immersiveencounterwith Italian Design.
其中,宜兴法阿姆工业电池有限公司总经理Ermanno Vitali先生在接受采访时针对市场共性问题表示,作为意大利第一家锂离子电池技术开发商和生产商,FAAM将始终坚持“制造低环境影响、高能效的绿色电池,控制从原材料到报废电池回收的整个供应链”的使命,通过绿色生产、循环利用和回收,实现可持续发展,促进人与环境的和谐相处。
Among this year’s icons, Mr. Ermanno Vitali, general manager of Yixing FAAM Industrial Battery Co., LTD., said in an interview that as the first lithium-ion battery technology developer and producer in Italy,FAAMwill alwaysadhere to the missionof “make green batteries with low environmental impact and high energy efficiency, controlling the entire supply chain, from raw materials to end-of-life battery recycling”,achievingsustainable developmentand promotingharmonybetween people and the environment through green production, re-use and recycling.
Ermanno Vitali先生还提到目前国内锂电池市场的竞争非常激烈,外国品牌很难在中国市场上发挥作用。尽管如此,中国市场依旧是FAAM的重点市场,我们将继续为所有客户和合作伙伴提供最好的服务与支持。
Mr. Ermanno Vitali also mentioned that the currentcompetitionof lithium batteryin China is very fierce and it is very difficult forforeign brandsto playarole in Chinesemarket. Anyway, The Chinese market remains akeymarket for FAAMand we will continue to provide the bestservice and supportto all our customers and partners.
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