林德搬运机器人Linde Robotics
林德搬运机器人Linde Robotics:超越自动化,引领智能化
在科技如此发达的今天,实现自动化并不难。然而,如何利用自动化的技术,实现物流真正的智能化发展,仍然是每个企业需要思考的问题。经过不断的研发和实验,林德搬运机器人Linde Robotics解决了一系列物流过程中可能会遇到的情况,并在安全和作业效率上达到了峰值。在展会中,林德搬运机器人Linde Robotics全方位展示了自然导航即时定位与转向路径智能检测的精准性,系统智能调动与客户指令的无缝对接,托盘自主识别的灵活性,更有三维立体安全保护技术给予立体的盾牌守护。
与自动化公司不同,林德的宗旨是实现超越性的高效作业,如何针对用户需求,最大化地提高物流作业效率才是林德解决方案的核心。林德搬运机器人Linde Robotics就是诞生于这个理念,它配置PL-D级别激光安全传感器,正向行驶速度达2m/s,反向行驶速度达0.8m/s,作业效率能够远远高出同类产品40%。而双模作业模式与全覆盖的服务及配件网络,更是锦上添花,保证设备的高稳定性。
Moving ahead with the new Linde-MATIC range
The Linde-MATIC range consisting by a tow tractor (P-MATIC), a stacker (L-MATIC), a counterbalanced stacker (L-MATIC AC) and a pallet truck (T-MATIC) is now available.
It is provided with an innovative navigation system called “geoguidance” based on industrial standard trucks. Thus, it ensures a greater flexibility by offering a continuous productivity and keeping the utmost safety while working in co-operation with humans.
The alliance of our Linde trucks combined with the “DRIVEN BY BALYO” technology enables to re-invent the current automated material handling. Designed to target repetitive tasks, long travel distances or with a high commitment on several shifts, the Linde robotics portfolio helps to optimize and fluidify your logistics processes.
Competitiveness: reduced installation costs and savings on general operating costsFlexibility: innovative navigation and easy integration at customer’s site
Safety: enhanced features and smarter safety functions
All Linde-MATIC trucks are equipped under the Linde’s standard process in terms of components, quality as well as features.
By positioning its streamlined robotic truck range as being versatile, Linde offers a flexible and integrated solution to their customers environment.
The L-MATIC during a pick & drop application from a conveyor
Simply grab the tiller to switch to manual mode
To release even more accessibility to robotic trucks inside real working environments and conditions, the dual-drive mode offers the possibility to switch back to manual mode at any time.