LogiMAT 2024,FAAM期待与您相见~


我们高兴地宣布,FAAM即将参加在德国举行的2024德国斯图加特国际物流展 (LogiMAT 2024)。作为欧洲最具号召力的国际物流展之一, LogiMAT每年都吸引全球众多的知名企业参展。在此,我们将展示FAAM电池最新的创新型解决方案,并与广大新老客户一起探索物流业的未来发展

We are excited to announce that FAAMwill participate in the upcoming LogiMAT2024 in Germany. As one of the most attractiveinternational logistics exhibitions in Europe, LogiMAT attracts many well-known companies from all over the world every year. This time, we will present the latest innovative solutions for FAAM batteryand explore the future developmentof the logistics industry with customers.

FAAM-节能电池 & LogiMAT-欧洲最大的专业物流展之一

FAAM-Energy Saving Battery & LogiMAT-One of the largest professional logistics exhibitions in Europe

时间 Date2024.03.19~03.21

地点 Address新斯图加特会展中心 New Stuttgart Trade Fair Center

展位号 Booth No.:B60-Hall

我们诚邀您参观我们FAAM巨大的展位,B60- Hall 10,我们优秀的销售团队将展示各类优质、高效、清洁电池产品,并为您提供全方位的服务

We invite you to visit our FAAMhuge stand, B60-Hall 10, where our excellent sales team will show you a wide range of high-quality, efficient and clean batteryproducts and provide you with a full range of services.