FAAM中国热烈欢迎徐舍镇政府来访~FAAM China warmly welcomes Xushe government ~
转载 2023-05-06 09:21 FAAM电池 来源:FAAM电池4月26日,法阿姆中国有幸接到了江苏省宜兴市徐舍镇政府的来访,对于镇政府徐书记众人的到访,法阿姆中国表示热烈欢迎。
On April 26,FAAM Chinawas honored to receive a visit from thegovernment of Xushe Town, Yixing City, Jiangsu Province. FAAM Chinawarmly welcomedthe visit ofSecretary Xuof the town government.
Ermanno Vitali,General Manager of FAAM China, received Secretary Xu and his delegation, introduced thehistory and growth process of FAAM, visited thefactories and various products of FAAM China, so that Secretary Xu could keep abreast ofthe market, promotethe cooperation between government and enterprise, and make common progress.
Wewelcomethe government to continue to visit FAAM China. FAAM China adheres tothe production of efficient, environmentally friendly and energy-saving battery products.Thanks for the government's concern, and we also hope toget more supportto help the Chinese market.
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