ONE is Enough! 一个就够了!
转载 2023-08-10 09:44 AGILOX IGV 来源:爱极乐简单认识一下AGILOX ONE
Getting toKnow the AGILOX ONE
AGILOX ONE 小巧而敏捷,可以在狭窄的通道内运输托盘。尽管自重只有 400 千克,但该物流机器人可以搬运重达一吨的货物,并将其提升至 1000 毫米的高度。小而强是它的座右铭。提升概念是基于电力驱动的双主轴。带负载的最大行驶速度为 1.4 米/秒。该车专门为托盘、箱子和手推车等载重工具而开发。当然,更重要的是该产品符合所有相关标准和安全要求。
Small and maneuverable, the AGILOX ONE transports pallets even through the narrowest aisles. Despite its own weight of just 400 kg, the logistics robot can handle a load of up to one ton and lift it to a height of up to 1000 mm. Small yet powerful is the motto. The lifting concept is based on an electrically driven double spindle. The maximum driving speed with load is 1.4 m/s. The vehicle was specially developed for load carriers such as pallets, boxes and trolleys. Of course, the product complies with all relevant standards and safety requirements.
我们的 AGILOX ONE 看起来非常小巧、方便,但却具有强大的性能。它是专为那些一方面需要坚固可靠的工业机器人,另一方面又希望不使用主机或导航辅助等复杂设备的客户而开发的。AGILOX 使用二维激光扫描仪独立绘制房间地图,调试工程师只需对其进行几步微调即可。在绘制地图时,AGILOX 只需在室内进行一次人工引导,并记录室内的所有导航轮廓,如机器、设备和物体。这意味着第一台 AGILOX 可在几小时内投入使用,任何其他车辆也可通过即插即用功能在几分钟内投入使用。因此,磁点等导航辅助工具已成为过去。AGILOX 开发的导航系统确定位置的精度为 +/- 3 毫米,可在没有检测到参照物的情况下独立行驶100米。因此,即使在要求苛刻的生产环境中,该系统也是理想之选。
Our AGILOX ONE may look extremely compact and handy, but it provides a powerful performance. It was specially developed for customers who, on the one hand, need a robust, reliable industrial robot but, on the other hand, want to do without complicated equipment such as a host computer or navigation aids, etc. Using a 2D laser scanner, the AGILOX independently draws a map of the room, which only needs to be fine-tuned by the commissioning engineer in a few steps. To draw the map, the AGILOX is guided through the room only once by hand and records all navigation contours located in the room, such as machines, equipment and objects. This means that the first AGILOX can be put into operation within a few hours, and any additional vehicle within a few minutes via Plug & Play. Navigation aids such as magnetic dots etc. are thus a thing of the past. The navigation system developed by AGILOX can determine its position with an accuracy of +/- 3 mm and can drive "blind" for up to 100 m. This makes the system ideal even for demanding production environments.
Available Products
AGILOX ONE可提供两个版本:单剪或双剪升降系统。
- ONE标准单剪可将1000kg的物体提升至最高500mm
- ONE双剪可以将750kg的物体提升至最高1000mm
Our AGILOX ONE is available in two versions: with a single scissor lifting system or with a double scissor lifting system.
- With an electrically driven spindle, we rely on a powerful lifting system. The AGILOX ONE lifts 1,000 kg up to 500 mm in the standard version with a single scissor lift.
-With a double scissor lift, it is possible to lift 750 kg up to 1,000 mm.