“法阿姆背后的奉献者”系列专访(十一)The Series of 'The People Behind FAAM'(Xl)
转载 2023-09-07 09:19 法阿姆 来源:法阿姆今日介绍:法阿姆背后的奉献者~主办会计薛涛
Today's introduction:The People behind FAAM~Host Accountant Jerry.
Jerry joinedFAAMChinain2021as the host accountant, responsible for the review of various original documents, the preparation of accounting documents, the general ledger and details of the company.
Withprofessional knowledge, excellent coordination andcooperation spirit, excellent working attitude and execution, he successfully completed hisworkand contributed his ownstrengthto thecontinuous developmentof the company in these three years.
In daily life, Jerryisenthusiastic and cheerful. He likestraveling, which can not only relieve the pressure of work and life,relaxhis spirit completely, but alsoincrease the knowledge and experience.
Jerry said that during three years of work, theimprovementof the position understanding, work nature, business ability and his thought is necessary to fill and make up for his career. TheFAAM familyis also very happy to have him join us and look forward to continuing togrow together!
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