转载 2018-06-23 06:55 舜宇 来源:舜宇Use reading to inspire wisdom,nourish the mind with wisdom
Last week, NSBA Family gathered in the coffee shop.Everyone has benefited from listening to books sharing recommendations.
Editor's note:Books are the ladder of human progress. Reading is the window to the world.
The world has great wonders. Everyone’s life experience is limited. The time available is also limited. When we are curious about astronomy, geography, history, science, or many natural things and phenomena, In our eyes for a while still not clear.In our footsteps, it's not too far away. We can understand this world through reading. The real purpose of reading is to inspire our minds to think for themselves,independent thinking independent judgment. Reading can give us profound meaning in life,that kind of cognition, that kind of thinking, that feeling.Enlighten your wisdom, expand your horizons, and gain the true meaning of life.
工欲善其事,必先利其器; 器欲尽其用,必先得其法。讲了那么多的益处,那书要怎么读才能达到事半功倍的效果呢?Sin先给大家上了一堂课《十倍速影像阅读法》
If a worker wants to do good things, he must first sharpen his tools. If the device wants to use it, it must first obtain its method. Speaking so many benefits, how does that book need to be read to achieve a multiplier effect? Sin first gave everyone a lesson "Ten-speed image reading method"
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