我们的故事(六)——法阿姆&卓一 Our Story Ⅵ: FAAM & Zowell
转载 2022-04-12 10:02 FAAM电池 来源:FAAM电池我们的故事
Today we are going to introduce Suzhou Pioneer Logistics Equipment Co., LTD. (Zowell for short), one of China's leading industrial vehicle companies.
Zowell is an equipment manufacturer with "industrial vehicles" as the main body, leading productsfor the full rangeof products such as electric trucks, electric stackers, electric forward forklifts, electric tractors, driving professional vehicles, which are widely usedin e-commerce, automobile, food, logistics and other industries.
Zowell is the long-term partnerof Faam China. Like Faam China, we adopt ISO9001 quality management system, adopt international products as the company's technical indicators, strictlycontrol the quality pass, give customers a good experience, and gain a good reputation.
'Excellent quality, leading all the way'is the enterprise spirit of Zowell, Faam China will work with you to keep improving, pursue a better tomorrowand better serve the general audience.
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