守望相助,FAAM中国和您携手同行 Give mutual help ,FAAM China together with you
转载 2022-12-22 12:01 FAAM电池 来源:FAAM电池来来往往,疫情三年终到站!在这后疫情时代,我们更要守望相助,一起度过最后的难关。FAAM中国一直在这,为您提供优质的电池和服务!
Coming and going, the epidemic will arrive at the station at the end of three years! In thispost-COVID-19 era, it is all the more important for us to help each other to tide over the final difficulties together.FAAM Chinahas been here to provide you withhigh quality batteries and service!
Production iscontinuing, and FAAM China'slead and lithium technologyis constantly beingupgraded and improved. Of course, we have to take appropriateprecautionsin all aspects of our work.
产品视频 video
疫情指南 Epidemic guide
1, In and out of various occasions, to wear a mask, such as N95/KN95 mask
2, Pay attention to disinfection, choose the appropriate 75% alcohol or hypochlorous acid disinfectant
3. The risk of virus transmission by contact with surfaces is low.In most cases, good hand hygiene is enough.
4, Positive do not be nervous, home isolation to ensure rest and nutrition, intake of enough protein and vitamins, adequate water, appropriate medicine!
Winter has already begun, and the journey home is not far away. The New Year is just around the corner.FAAM China is willing to help you, fight the epidemic together, and embrace abright futureof mutual benefit.
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