意大利FAAM总部来访法阿姆中国 Italy FAAM headquarters visited FAAM China
转载 2023-03-31 09:46 FAAM电池 来源:FAAM电池春意融融等风来,自新冠疫情爆发以来,时隔多年,SERI集团FAAM意大利总部特意从意大利远赴而来,与FAAM中国全体成员在宜兴工厂进行了久违的会面,FAAM中国全体对此表达了热烈的欢迎。
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, SERI Group's FAAM Italy headquarterscame from Italy to meetall FAAM Chinamembers in Yixing factory for a long time. FAAM China warmly welcomedthem.
参观工厂 Visit the factory
在FAAM中国CEO Ermanno Vitali带领下,FAAM意大利总部参观了工厂的各生产区,通过实地考察,深刻了解FAAM中国的设备技术、生产能力、技术研发等实力,并提出各项指导意见。
Under the guidance of Ermanno Vitali, CEO of FAAM China,FAAM Italy headquarters visited the production areasof the factory, through field investigation, they have a deep understandingof FAAM China's equipment technology, production capacity, technology research and development strength, and put forward various suggestions.
FAAM Groupis the most important manufacturerof lead acid batteries, starter batteries and lithium batteriesin Europe owned by SERI. FAAM China is a factory built by the headquarters of FAAM in Yixing, Jiangsu, China in 2006. With the use of European technology, FAAM China provides high-quality, efficient and cleanbattery productsfor the Chinese market.