转载 2023-08-25 09:29 AGILOX 来源:AGILOX"让 AGILOX 助力您的内部物流效率提升"
Efficiency is a key term in intralogistics and automation is the key to increasing efficiency significantly and sustainably. As the person responsible for logistics in your company, you know that every long-term increase in efficiency is a win-win situation.The answers to the question of how exactly automation and increased efficiency are mutually dependent are summarized below in the form of a brief overview.
Problems of conventional warehouse operations
As you know well enough, conventional production and warehousing operations are faced with a high input of personnel and materials needed to ensure the necessary pallet throughput per hour for optimal operations. In fact, however, it is not uncommon for delays to occur due to sick leave without short-term replacements or technical problems of the transport vehicles. The attempt to compensate for these delays often leads to higher error rates, a higher probability of accidents and/or damage to goods.
Assistance and efficiency increase by means of automation
正是在上述这些方面,自动化和自主内部物流系统的使用大大提高了效率。通过接管原本需要由员工完成的基本物流流程,自动化系统可实现全年 365 天连续运行,不会出现延误、质量损失和波动。
It is precisely in these points that the use of automated and autonomous intralogistics systems brings about a significant increase in efficiency. By taking over basic logistics processes that would otherwise have to be performed by your staff, automation enables continuous operation 365 days a year with no delays, no loss of quality, and no fluctuations.
The result is a stable and continuous flow of materials, making all logistics more predictable, reliable, and scalable.
Efficiency safety
在效率保障方面,AMR(自主移动机器人)等自主解决方案比其他自动化系统领先一大步。由于它们被设计为不依赖于任何中央控制单元的通信和学习单元,因此即使其中一个单元出现问题,剩余的 AMR 机群也能不受限制地继续运行。这样,您/它们就能确保不会出现完全停顿的情况。
In terms of efficiency security, autonomous solutions like AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robots) are a big step ahead of other automation systems. Because they are designed as communicating and learning units that are also not dependent on any central control unit, the remaining AMR fleet continues to operate without restriction, even if one of the units should experience problems. In this way, you/they ensure that there is no complete standstill.Increased efficiency and efficiency security are thus two central reasons that - among many others - speak for automation in intralogistics.
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