二月最新定制电池-法阿姆中国 February Latest Custom Battery-FAAM CHINA
转载 2024-02-29 09:17 FAAM电池 来源:FAAM电池龙年开工第一周,法阿姆中国已然从热辣滚烫的过年模式,无缝衔接地切换为热力十足的满弓模式。仅一周的时间里,员工们火力全开,定量保质,交货不断。
In the first week of the Year of the Dragon, FAAM Chinahas seamlessly switched from the hot New Year mode to the busy and full bow mode. In only one week's time, the staff was in full firefor guaranteed quality and continuous delivery.
Recently Projects
型号 Type: 80V8PZS1000
应用 Application: 牵引车Tractor
Project: One famous domestic locomotive factory project.
型号Type: 24V5PZS300
应用 Application: 叉车Forklift
Project: One famous domestic forklift factory project.
型号Type: 80V4PZS620
应用 Application: 叉车Forklift
Project: One famous domestic textile machinery factory project.
In the New Year of the Dragon, FAAM Chinawill continue to maintain the love and passion for the field of industrial batteries, constantly improvethe innovation ability and core competitiveness. With the attitude of vim and vigour, we will brave the wind and waves, and forge ahead.
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