转载 2019-08-25 20:25 AGV技术 来源:AGV技术说到仓储AGV大家一定都知道有一个叫做KIVA机器人的公司,后来被亚马逊收购了。而且KIVA机器人不卖给亚马逊以外的客户。
USA: Yes, Amazon/Kiva has a very broad patent US 6,895,301 in USA on goods-to-man with rack storage. A deal needs to be made with Amazon to enter the USA market.
Canada: Unknown
Europe: There are specific patents, listed below. There are also other Patents pending, which we advice to design around, as well as keeping a watch on, in order to prevent future lawsuits.
Rack rotation during travelling. EP 2 933 763 A1, EP 2 849 968 A1, CN 104364121 A
"Second positioning", i.e. if the vehicle is stopping inaccurately, it can reverse a little bit and try again. EP 2 038 716 B1
Combined the transporting inventory holders with MDUs and conveyance equipment. EP 2 044 495 B8, EP 2 407 845 B2
The use of three different MDUs for getting an item from an inventory holder to an order holder and then to shipment. EP 2 100 264 A2
Inventory restocking station or inventory pier. EP 2 904 511 A2, CN 104903921 A
How a robot places items in a holder and then places a fixed divider to form a bin. WO 2016/064719 A1
A robot connected to a base tool. WO 2016/130338 A1
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