FAAM in CIIF 2023
转载 2023-09-28 09:43 FAAM 来源:FAAM9月19日至23日,第23届中国国际工业博览会CIIF于国家会展中心(上海 )隆重举行。自1999年创办以来,中国工博会已发展成中国装备制造业极具影响力的国际工业品牌展,并成为全球工业开放交流和经贸合作的平台。
From September 19 to 23, the 23rdCIIFwas held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai). Since its inception in 1999,CIIFhas developed into a highly influentialinternational industrial brand exhibitionfor Chinese equipment manufacturing industry, and has become aplatformfor global industrial open exchanges and economic and trade cooperation.
The Italian Pavilionhas been specially set up at the exhibition. As an old Italian enterprise investing in China,FAAMactively and enthusiastically participated in the exhibition, and discussed industry trends, cutting-edge technologies, equipment and solutions with the majority ofnew and old customers.
It is our greathonorthat Mr. Ambrosetti,Ambassador of Italyto China, visited the FAAM booth during the exhibition and had an in-depthexchange of viewswith us.
In the future, FAAM China will continue todeepenits localized services, and provide customers withefficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendlyenergy solutions with more professionaltechnologyand high qualityservices.
迎中秋 庆国庆
FAAM wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
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